This message about yesterday is a bit late because yesterday I did two things that made so much exhausted in the evening that I didn't want to do anything else afterwards.
The first thing was my usual 30km running exercise for the weekend. There I found one of the most useless German road signs I have ever seen. In Ilvesheim there is a blind alley of about 150m which is easily identifiable as a blind alley from the beginning. They have but a sign that says that it is only allowed for cars that have their destination in that street to pass through. --- You won't guess that! Whoever might be interested to pass through a blind alley of 150m if he does not want to go there? The city council would have better invested the money for that sign into the local school for blind people or some project like that. But we have many useless road signs like that. In Ludwigshafen for example there is a road on the Parkinsel which is as well closed for cars. They have placed an additional sign there which reads "Zufahrt fuer Berechtigte frei" which means basically that access is allowed for authorized people. Well, I always thought that it is exactly the _definition_ of "authorized" to be allowed to do something thus if I am authorized to access a road by car I am allowed to do it whether there is such a sign or not.
In the evening I went to an event at the water tower of Mannheim related to the German TV show "Wetten dass..." which is the most famous TV show here in Germany. Yesterday they sent live from Mannheim and because of that there was an event at the water tower where 250 electric guitar players had to be found to play together the central theme of "Smoke on the Water". They had a nice supporting program there and almost everybody was in high spirits.
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