Anyone with a good suggestion for a _usable_ blogging tool that also allows adding pictures without clicking hundreds of buttons for each?
This and the fact that some features of the crappy web frontend of Blogger did not work at all were the reasons I did not post recently and why I will make all this here less frequent and shorter.
In the meantime I had a meeting with a black bear in the wilderness. It seems the bear was at least as surprised meeting me there as I was meeting him. Thus we both just looked at each other and after some time of mutual inspection we just continued our way.

Yesterday I was hiking this mountain.

1 comment:
Hi robert !
I hated the writing interface of Blogger too, so i switched (and have made friends switch) to free service - where you could import ALL your post.
For that platform i have used a number of "external" tools to write my posts, going from the Flock integrated extension, to Performancing extension for Firefox passing by bloGTK and gnome-blog (also tried some commercial ones).
Also you could give a look at Qumana.
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