Wednesday, December 14, 2005

funny German words

I like those special long words in the German language that nobody uses in daily language and most likely there is not direct translation available to any other language. These words are a special creation of the famous German bureaucracy. One of these words is "Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung". You find this word on official letters informing you about a decision by officials thus it is a special type of disclaimer. The "Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung" gives you all the details about what you have to do if you do not agree with the decision and how long you have time to state your disagreement. If the officials omit the "Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung" you have unlimited time to state your disagreement. (Well, not really unlimited, actually there is still an upper limit defined by law anyway.) The funny thing with all this is that typically it is much easier to read and understand the decision itself than the "Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung".

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