Saturday, October 01, 2005

save-the-bandwidth campaign and shiny new features

Today I again did something for my save-the-bandwidth campaign and updated the information page about Jigsaw Download on with the numbers for the current version.

A tool I also coded for this campaign some days ago is linkdup which replaces duplicate files in a specified directory by hard links and thus saves a lot of bandwidth if you serve duplicate files via rsync. If you serve via ftp you at least save some disk space and thus buffer space. If you are interested in the tool, you can find it in bug #118717 on Novell's Bugzilla.

I found that my uplink router now supports WPA2 for the WLAN interface with the new firmware I successfully installed yesterday. And even the clients seem to support it. --- At least they are still talking to the router.

Another thing I found with KDE in SUSE Linux 10.1 alpha1 is that Konqueror now has a "Speech Toolbar" with exactly one button "Speak Text". I decided to test this with the Slashdot page. It worked and even was understandable. But as you might know the Slashdot page has rather much text thus I decided to stop it again. Unfortunately it seems that there is no option to stop this talking parrot again. Fortunately my ThinkPad has a button to mute sound. Ok, I could have just killed the speech process but I think an option to do that with the user interface should be accessible as easily as the start option is available.

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